Hi, I’m Jenny - the face behind Light Up Edu-Leadership.

As a school leader, my working week included moments of pure joy, belly laughs and a real sense of meaning and purpose. It also included an array of complex challenges, competing demands and required a deep well of emotional resilience. But then as I began my first solo-headship the pandemic hit and an already challenging role suddenly became even more complex!

Fortunately, I had been introduced to coaching in education a few years previously and had the support of my own coach. Sometimes it was difficult to find the time for the coaching session, but the insights and the understanding I developed and the hope and agency it instilled were well worth it and I was able to continue to lead and support staff. As a by-product, I became more intentional about my well-being - something that both myself and the school community benefited from.

My belief in the power of coaching grew as I applied it in my school and I became passionate that more school leaders should have access to this support. I took the difficult decision to leave working in schools to pursue my Masters’ in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, to hone my coaching skills and learn about how the science of flourishing can be applied to education. I miss many aspects of working in schools - meeting families at the gate, seeing children blossom on residential and getting stuck into conversations about curriculum and pedagogy.

However, my sense of meaning and purpose now comes from supporting school leaders across the world, helping them gain clarity, build confidence and resilience, and look after their well-being. I hope that this radiates out from school leaders to create positive school communities.